Other products

Surface preparation products

Everything you need to carry out proper surface preparation before gluing, including: isopropyl alcohol solutions for degreasing and washing surfaces before gluing; industrial cleaners to remove traces of grease and residues of previous gluing; adhesion promoters to increase, where necessary, the adhesion capacity of the substrate to be bonded, available in different formats depending on the use and in different formulations, generic for a wide range of surfaces or specific for particular substrates such as rubber, powder-coated surfaces, glass and PVC.

Personal protective equipment

A wide range of personal protective equipment for industry that offers workers the most effective protection available.

Filtering masks for dust, fumes and mists; half-masks, full-face masks, electro-ventilated and compressed air systems, P&SA protective hoods, helmets and P&SA protective shields for respiratory protection.

Ear plugs and headbands, passive earphones and ear muffs and electronic ear plugs for hearing protection.

Safety glasses and goggles, over glasses, welding shields, hard hats, visors and protective clothing.


Sponges, pads and abrasive discs of different compositions and grits depending on the desired surface finish.